[Jaffa Software]

How to Implement Linked Lists in WimpWorks 2

Charles Talibard, 5-Aug-1998


A linked list is a structure similar to an array but with many more desirable properties. An array can be considered as one object with a fixed number of sections - once declared, the only way of changing its size is to create a new array and copy the data in (which is wasteful and not possible in some languages). One elegant solution to this problem is to treat each element of an array as a separate object. By creating each element only as required, and linking elements together using pointers, you can have a structure similar to an array that can grow and shrink dynamically at run-time. Data structures like this are called linked lists.

[Fig. 1]

Fig. 1: The two main types of linked list (pictured here as a list of 'client' objects)

Linked lists come in two main varieties - Single and Double. Both can be be tricky to implement as they involve manipulating pointers. Basically, for each element you allocate enough memory to store the data plus additional memory to store either one or two pointers (depending on whether you are linking singly or doubly). Each item in the list contains a pointer to the next item (and, if linking doubly, a pointer to the previous item). Access to the list is facilitated by keeping a pointer to the first item in the list or 'head item'. Because the items are linked by pointers, they do not have to be adjacent in memory and can be created whenever required.

Because of the properties described above, linked lists lend themselves very well to a number of computing problems. Any application which has to keep details on an unknown number of objects will need to use a linked list. However, even if the number of objects is set at a maximum value, linked lists still offer other good advantages. If objects are created by the user of an application in a random order, but need to be presented in a fixed order (an address book for example), linked lists are ideal, as an object can be inserted in the list between any other two objects. This means that (using the address book example) 'people' objects could be inserted into the address book list in any order, but stored and displayed alphabetically by surname. If you are storing complex data structures (comprising of many variables) in a list, then swapping two items is only a case of changing a few pointers. In an array, you would have to copy whole blocks of memory to achieve this. As most sorting algorithms require swapping of objects this means sorting a linked list can be a lot simpler than sorting an array.

Singly Linked Lists vs Doubly Linked Lists

One disadvantage of a linked list against an array is that it does not allow direct access to the individual elements. If you want to read/write a particular item then you have to start at one end of the list and follow the pointers until you get to that item.

Although singly linked lists have a lower memory requirement, because each item only contains a pointer to the next item you cannot traverse singly linked lists from the tail towards the head. If you will need to move in both directions along the list then double is the only option. However, as can be seen from the examples below, adding an item to a doubly linked list is more complex (as it involves more pointer manipulation) while removing an item from a singly linked list is more complicated (because of the lack of pointers in each item).

Pointers and Data Types in BASIC

As BBC BASIC is by nature basic, very little support for composite data types is present. In C we have, (the union and struct declarations) which make writing linked lists a lot easier. As an example, the C code to declare a new data type to represent a linked list element could look like this:

typedef struct element
    struct element *next;           /* pointer to next element      */
    struct element *prev;           /* pointer to previous element  */
    char            name[20];       /* 20 characters for the name   */
    char            telephone[20];  /* 20 chars for a 'phone number */
    char            address[100];   /* 100 chars for an address     */
} Address_Book_Entry;

Having defined this, we can create new objects of this type, just as we could create a new integer or string, and access the individual members of the structure.

But in BBC BASIC, as no support for data structures is provided, we have to use pointers to a block of memory to access the different members in our structure. In the above example we need to calculate the exact size of an Address_Book_Entry, so that we can use CLAIM to get the correct amount of memory. In BASIC all pointers (next and prev in the example above) take 4 bytes - so our address book element will take 4+4+20+20+100 bytes in total. In WimpWorks the code to achieve this would be:

new_element% = CLAIM(148)

Now that we have enough memory, we can start using new_element% to access it. CLAIM returns a pointer to the memory it has allocated, so new_element% is actually a pointer. For the sake of good programming practice I would define variables to hold the values of the offsets (number of bytes from the beginning of the block of CLAIMed memory) of each variable in the structure:

next%      = 0
prev%      = 4
name%      = 8
telephone% = 28
address%   = 48

These would probably exists in a procedure that responded to 'Starting Up' so that they would be defined from the start of the program. In order to access the data using a pointer (new_element% in our example) you use the '$', '?', '|' and '!' pointer indirection operators in BASIC:

new_element%?address% = ASC("J")       : REM  char    (1 byte)
new_element%!next%    = head_element%  : REM  integer (4 bytes)
$(new_element%+name)  = "Joe Bloggs"   : REM  string  (n bytes)

By defining variables to hold all the offsets you instantly make your code more robust and more readable. If you have to change the format of your structure then all you have to do is alter the value of the variables and all the code that accesses that part of the structure will use the new offset. Imagine if you decided that the pointer to the previous item should come first. You would have to change every instance of pointer%!0 to pointer%!4 and vice versa.

Linked List Operations

Throughout all the examples given in the following sections head_item% will be a pointer to the head of a linked list of strings, tail_item% will be a pointer to the tail of the list. Each element in the list uses the first word (4 bytes) of its memory to store a pointer to the next object. In doubly linked list examples the second word is a pointer to the previous item. The string is stored at a position in memory directly after the pointers

As recommended above we will define the following offsets for singly linked lists and the constant NULL:

next% = 0
text% = 4
NULL  = -1

While for examples that use doubly linked lists we will define :

next% = 0
prev% = 4
text% = 8
NULL  = -1

In this article I will discuss, in detail, the operations:

Though many more are possible, due to space constraints we cannot include them here.

Searching a Linked List for the desired Item

As mentioned earlier, because a linked list doesn't reside in one contiguous block of memory, we have to locate the desired element each time we want to read or alter its contents. We could just store pointers to all the objects we create but we don't know how many objects will be created. To store all the pointers would require a further linked list! So we can't get away from the fact that linked lists will never permit direct access to the objects they contain.

In order to identify which node or element of the list we want, we require some way of uniquely identifying each node. Two methods for this are outlined below :

The programmer supplies the position of the node in the list. This is similar to the index of an array.

DEF FNlocate_string_indexed(index%)
  LOCAL node%
  node% = head_item%      : REM set the current node to point to
                            REM the head of the list

  WHILE index% > 1 AND node% <> NULL

    node%   = node%!next% : REM move the node to the next element

    index% -= 1           : REM reduce the index.

  ENDWHILE                : REM stop when we have gone the correct
                            REM number of steps or hit the end 
                            REM of the list                 

Example 1 : Locating an element based on its position

In order to identify each item in the list we need to provide values for some subset of the elements or attributes of the node. These attributes must be like the primary key in a database.

DEF FNlocate_string_keyed(current$)
  LOCAL node%

  node% = head_item%           : REM set the current node to point to
                                 REM the head of the list

  IF node% = NULL THEN =NULL   : REM if list is empty then exit
  WHILE $(node%+text%) <> current$

    node% = node%!next%        : REM move the node to the next element

    IF node% = NULL THEN =NULL : REM if reached end of list then exit

  ENDWHILE                     : REM stop when we have reached the 
                                 REM correct string

Example 2 : Locating an element based on its contents

The two examples above traverse the linked list to locate a given element.

The first will locate the nth element in a list. The second will return the pointer to the element containing a given string.

Adding Items to a List

Because of the nature of a linked list items can be added at any point in the chain without overwriting any existing items. The easiest place to add a new item is at the head or tail of a list. This is because we can keep a pointer to the head/tail element.

To add an item to a linked list you must first claim a block of memory to store the item in. After the memory is claimed you can treat it like a data structure and start filling in the data that the structure stores. This will include any pointers to other objects in the list. These pointers, along with the equivalent pointers for other objects in the list, should be used to link the object in to the list. Once this is done the actual data to be stored at that position can be inserted.

Allocation of memory should be done using the WimpWorks 2 command CLAIM.

Adding an item to the head of a list

Since this item is going to be the head of the list, its 'next item' pointer should point to the current head of the list, and only when that is the case can the head_item% variable be changed to point to the new item.

[Fig 2]

Fig. 2 : Stages involved in adding an element to the head of a singly linked list

The following examples show how to add a node to the head of a list.

DEF PROCadd_as_head_sing(RETURN head_item%,s$)
  LOCAL newItem%

  newItem% = CLAIM(LEN(s$) + 4) : REM   claim enough memory

  newItem%!next% = head_item%   : REM   make the first word of the new item
                                  REM   point to the first item in the list
  head_item%     = newItem%     : REM   now that the new item points to the
                                  REM   head of the list it is effectively
                                  REM   before it in the list and so becomes
                                  REM   the new head item.
  $(newItem%+text%) = s$        : REM   insert the string into the newly
                                  REM   allocated memory block after the
                                  REM   pointer to the next item 

Example 3 : Adding a node to the head of a singly linked list

DEF PROCadd_as_head_doub(RETURN head_item%,s$)
  LOCAL newItem%

  newItem% = CLAIM(LEN(s$) + 8) : REM claim enough memory

  newItem%!next% = head_item%   : REM   make the first word of the new item
                                  REM   point to the first item in the list
  head_item%!prev% = newItem%   : REM   make the 'previous item' pointer of
                                  REM   the current head of the list point 
                                  REM   back to the new item.
  newItem%!prev = NULL          : REM   as this new item will become the head
                                  REM   of the list there will be no items
                                  REM   before it so the pointer is NULL (-1)
  head_item%    = newItem%      : REM   now that the new item points to the
                                  REM   head of the list it is effectively
                                  REM   before it in the list and so becomes
                                  REM   the new head item.
  $(newItem%+text%) = s$        : REM   insert the string into the newly
                                  REM   allocated memory block at the correct
                                  REM   offset.

Example 4 : Adding a node to the head of a doubly linked list

Adding an item to the tail of a list

As this item is going to be the tail of the list, its 'next item' pointer should be NULL as there is no next item. However, the current tail will no longer be tail once we have finished, so its 'next item' pointer should point to the new item we have created.

DEF PROCadd_as_tail_sing(RETURN tail_item%,s$)
  LOCAL newItem%

  newItem% = CLAIM(LEN(s$) + 4) : REM  claim the memory

  tail_item%!next% = newItem%   : REM   make the first word of the tail item
                                  REM   point to the new item

  tail_item%       = newItem%   : REM   now that the tail points to the 
                                  REM   the new item it is effectively
                                  REM   before it in the list and so the new
                                  REM   item is effectively the new
                                  REM   tail item.

  $(newItem%+text%) = s$        : REM   insert the string into the newly
                                  REM   allocated memory block after the
                                  REM   pointer to the next item 

Example 5 : Adding a node to the tail of a singly linked list

DEF PROCadd_as_tail_doub(RETURN tail_item%,s$)
  LOCAL newItem%

  newItem% = CLAIM(LEN(s$) + 8) : REM  claim some memory for the node

  newItem%!next%   = NULL       : REM   make the first word of the new item
                                  REM   point to nothing as it is the end
  tail_item%!next% = newItem%   : REM   make the 'next item' pointer of
                                  REM   the current tail of the list point 
                                  REM   to the new item.
  newItem%!prev% = tail_item%   : REM   as this new item will become the tail
                                  REM   of the list it needs to point back
			  	  REM   to the current tail

  tail_item%     = newItem%     : REM   now that the tail points to the 
                                  REM   the new item it is effectively
                                  REM   before it in the list and so the new
                                  REM   item is effectively the new
                                  REM   tail item.
  $(newItem%+text%) = s$        : REM   insert the string into the newly
                                  REM   allocated memory block after the
                                  REM   pointer to the next item 

Example 6 : Adding a node to the tail of a doubly linked list

Adding an item in the middle of the list

To add an item in the middle of the list we need a pointer to the item after which we want to insert the new item.

If the item after which we wish to insert is not the tail, or NULL, then we must devise a method to insert in the middle of the list. For the purposes of the steps outlined below let us assume 'before' is a pointer to the element that will be before the new one in the list and that 'new' will be a pointer to the new item (after we allocate the memory). One possible method, for a singly linked list, is detailed below (it might be useful to sketch the pointer alterations on a bit of scrap paper using a style similar to figures 2 and 3) :

  1. Get a pointer, 'after', to the item which will be after 'new' in the list. This is equal to the 'next element' of 'before'.
  2. Make the 'next element' pointer for 'new' equal to the 'next element' pointer for 'before'.
  3. Make the 'next element' pointer for 'before' point to 'new'.

DEF PROCadd_mid_sing(head_list$, before%, s$)
  LOCAL new%, after%

  new%          = CLAIM (LEN(s$) + 4) : REM  claim memory
  after%        = before%!next%       : REM  step 1
                                        REM  as above
  new%!next%    = after%              : REM  step 2
  before%!next% = new%                : REM  step 3
  $(new%+text%) = s$                  : REM  fill in the string

Example 7 : Adding a node in the middle of a singly linked list.

For a doubly linked list this method will have the same effect:

  1. Get a pointer, 'after', to the item which will be after 'new' in the list. This is equal to the 'next element' of 'before'.
  2. Make the new item's 'next element' pointer point to 'after'.
  3. Make the new item's 'previous element' pointer point to 'before'.
  4. Make the 'previous element' pointer of 'after' point to 'new'.
  5. Make the 'next element' pointer of 'before' point to 'new'.
[Fig 3]

Fig. 3 : Stages involved in adding an element to the middle of a doubly linked list.

DEF PROCadd_mid_doub(before%, s$)
  LOCAL new%, after%
  new%          = CLAIM(LEN(s$) + 8) : REM  claim memory

  after%        = before%!next%      : REM  step 1 as described
                                       REM  above.

  new%!next%    = after%             : REM  step 2

  new%!prev%    = before%            : REM  step 3

  after%!prev%  = new%               : REM  step 4

  before%!next% = new%               : REM  step 5

  $(new%+text%) = s$                 : REM  fill in the string.                      


Example 8 : Adding a node in the middle of a doubly linked list.

Removing an item from a linked list

When removing a node from a linked list you need first to un-link it from the list so that all the pointers that keep in place it in the list skip over it. Secondly you must free up all the memory for that node using RELEASE().

Removing the head node of a linked list

Singly linked lists

In a singly linked list removing the head item is extremely simple. You must ensure that the pointer you have to the head of the list is altered to point at the item after the head. But if you move the pointer straight away you won't be able to call RELEASE to free the memory because the only pointer you had to the node you wanted to delete has been changed. So you must copy the pointer :

DEF PROCdelete_head_sing(RETURN head_item%)
  LOCAL delete%
  delete%    = head_item%         : REM  copy the pointer to the 
                                    REM  item being deleted

  head_item% = head_item%!next%   : REM  move the head_item pointer
  RELEASE(delete%)                : REM  release the memory using the
                                         pointer to the old head

Example 9 : Removing a node from the head of a singly linked list

Doubly Linked Lists

To remove the head element from a doubly linked list is only slightly more complex than for singly linked lists. The method is exactly the same, but with the added step of ensuring the the new head of the list doesn't point back to the now non-existent previous head :

DEF PROCdelete_head_doub(RETURN head_item%)
  LOCAL delete%

  delete%          = head_item%       : REM  copy the pointer to the 
                                        REM  item being deleted

  head_item%       = head_item%!next% : REM  move the head_item pointer

  head_item%!prev% = NULL             : REM  ensure that the new head
                                             doesn't point back to the
                                             old one.

  RELEASE(delete%)                    : REM  release the memory using the
                                             pointer to the old head

Example 10 : Removing a node from the head of a doubly linked list

Removing the tail element from a linked list

Doubly linked lists

This is the simplest style of list to remove the tail element from. The 'previous element' pointer of the tail element gives us the new tail element. All we have to do is set its 'next element' pointer to NULL (reflecting the fact that nothing is after it).

DEF PROCdelete_tail_doub(RETURN tail_item%)
  LOCAL delete%

  delete%          = tail_item%       : REM  copy the pointer to the 
                                        REM  item being deleted.

  tail_item%       = tail_item%!prev% : REM  move the tail_item pointer.

  tail_item%!next% = NULL             : REM  ensure that the new tail
                                        REM  doesn't point forwards to 
                                        REM  the old one.

  RELEASE(delete%)                    : REM  release the memory using the
                                        REM  pointer to the old tail.

Example 11 : Removing a node from the tail of a doubly linked list

Singly linked lists

Because it is not possible to traverse a singly linked list backwards, we must locate the new tail element by traversing it from the front until we find a node which points to the current tail element. After this is done we proceed in a similar manner as for a doubly linked list.

DEF PROCdelete_tail_sing(head_item%, RETURN tail_item%)
  LOCAL new_tail%
  new_tail% = head_item%        : REM  set the new_tail to be the
                                  REM  current head, this routine
                                  REM  will fail if it = NULL
  WHILE new_tail%!next% <> tail_item%

    new_tail% = new_tail%!next% : REM  move the new_tail pointer
                                  REM  through the list until its
                                  REM  next item pointer is equal
                                  REM  to the current tail item

                                  REM  don't fall off end of list
    IF new_tail% = NULL THEN ENDPROC

  new_tail%!next% = NULL        : REM  set the new_tail's next item
                                  REM  pointer to NULL (it is now 
                                  REM  effectively the end of the list)

  RELEASE(tail_item%)           : REM  we still have the original 
                                  REM  pointer to the tail item so
                                  REM  we can free the memory

  tail_item% = new_tail%        : REM  now the new_tail can become the
                                  REM  actual tail.

Example 12 : Removing a node from the tail of a singly linked list

Removing an element from the middle of a list

Doubly linked lists

When there are elements on either side of the one you want to delete you need a pointer to the element before the one being deleted and for a doubly linked list you also need a pointer to the element after. With a doubly linked list this is simple as the node you want to delete will have both these pointers stored in it. All we have to do is ensure that the items on either side have their pointers altered so that the item to be deleted is excluded from the list:

[Fig 4]

Fig. 4 : Stages involved in removing an element from the middle of a doubly linked list.

DEF PROCdelete_mid_doub(delete%)
  LOCAL before%, after%
  before%       = delete%!prev% : REM  get the pointer to the element
                                  REM  before the one being deleted
  after%	= delete%!next% : REM  and the one after
  before%!next% = after%        : REM  then we have to link 'before'
                                  REM  and 'after' to each other and
  after%!prev%  = before%       : REM  bypass 'delete'.
  RELEASE(delete%)              : REM  now it is safe to delete the 
                                  REM  element in question.

Example 13 : Removing an element from the middle of a doubly linked list

Singly linked lists

With the singly linked list we have the same complications we did previously for deleting the tail. Without searching through the list, we have no way of getting the item before the one we are deleting. We will have to search for it. Once it is found we can perform similar operations to those required for a doubly linked list.

DEF PROCdelete_mid_sing(head_item%, delete%)
  LOCAL before%, after%
  before% = head_item%          : REM  start the search for 'before' 
                                  REM  at the start of the list
  WHILE  before%!next% <> delete%

    before% = before%!next%     : REM  stop searching when the next
                                  REM  element of before points to
                                  REM  the element we want to delete

                                  REM  don't fall off end of list,
                                  REM  this isn't /really/ necessary
    IF before% = NULL THEN ENDPROC

  after%        = delete%!next% : REM  get 'after' from the next item
                                  REM  pointer of 'delete'
  before%!next% = after%        : REM  then we have to link 'before'
                                  REM  to 'after' thus bypassing        
                                : REM  'delete'.
  RELEASE(delete%)              : REM  now it is safe to delete the 
                                  REM  element in question.

Example 14 : Removing an element from the middle of a singly linked list

Beware of NULL pointers

If a pointer is passed to a program in a language, it must assume that the pointer is valid as there is no real method of checking. Even advanced, modern languages like Java will throw exceptions when a bad pointer (Java calls them references) is used. A classic example of an invalid pointer is NULL. NULL evaluates to either -1 or 0 in most languages. The memory location 0 or -1 is either at the very start of the address space (usually populated by the program itself) or at the very end which is usually never used as it corresponds to +16Mb from the start of the program. If you try to access these points in memory you will cause your program to crash.

When writing software that uses lots of pointers, it is essential to consider all the possible states that the system will be in when your operations are called. If you are changing the value of a pointer you must make sure that you have another copy of that pointer or that the memory it points to has been released. Once the last pointer to a block of memory is lost the memory itself is void as we now have no way of knowing where it is. In the examples above it is assumed that a list already exists (this is to simplify matters). What would happen if the user tried to add a node to a non-existent list? One can assume that the values of head_item% and tail_item% would be NULL (and would certainly be invalid). This would cause havoc.

Another point worth mentioning is that if we try to delete the last node in the list we will also encounter problems. At this point it will be both the head and the tail of list. Which method do we use? Well, we cannot use either. This is because we won't have another element in the list to make the new tail or head item.

Generic add and delete operations

Because of the problems outlined above I have defined generic operations that catch the problem cases and deal with them. I have assumed that, as well as defining variables for the offsets of the members in the structures, the pointers head_item% and tail_item% have been initialised to NULL at start-up.


We need to catch the case when there is no list yet and initialise it. This involves creating the first node and making the head_item% and tail_item% pointer point to it. As this node doesn't point to anything else yet the 'nest item' and 'previous item' pointer are NULL.

DEF PROCAddStringSingle(RETURN head_item%, RETURN tail_item%, link_after%, s$)
  LOCAL new_item%
  REM catch the non-existent list case
  IF head_item% = NULL OR tail_item% = NULL THEN
    new_item%          = CLAIM(LEN(s$) + 4)
    new_item%!next%    = NULL
    $(new_item%+text%) = s$
    head_item% = new_item%
    tail_item% = new_item%
  REM if we are here then there must already be a list in place
  CASE after% OF
    WHEN NULL       : REM we don't want the new item to be after anything
                      PROCadd_head_sing(head_item%, s$)

    WHEN tail_item% : REM we want it at the end - NOT in the middle!
                      PROCadd_tail_sing(tail_item%, s$)

    OTHERWISE       : REM we want the new item in a place where other items
                      REM   are on either side
                      PROCadd_mid_sing(head_item%, link_after%, s$)

DEF PROCAddStringDouble(RETURN head_item%, RETURN tail_item%, link_after%, s$)
  LOCAL new_item%
  REM catch the non-existent list case
  IF head_item% = NULL OR tail_item% = NULL THEN
    new_item%          = CLAIM(LEN(s$) + 8)
    new_item%!next%    = NULL
    new_item%!prev%    = NULL
    $(new_item%+text%) = s$
    head_item% = new_item%
    tail_item% = new_item%
  REM if we are here then there must already be a list in place
  CASE after% OF
    WHEN NULL       : REM we don't want the new item to be after anything
                      PROCadd_head_doub(head_item%, s$)

    WHEN tail_item% : REM we want it at the end - NOT in the middle!
                      PROCadd_tail_doub(tail_item%, s$)

    OTHERWISE       : REM we want the new item in a place where other items
                      REM   are on either side
                      PROCadd_mid_doub(head_item%, link_after%, s$)


DEF PROCDeleteStringSingle(RETURN head_item%, RETURN tail_item%, delete%)

  REM catch the case when we are passed the NULL list
  IF head_item% = NULL OR tail_item% = NULL THEN
  REM catch the case when there is only one item left
  IF head_item% = tail_item%
    head_item% = NULL
    tail_item% = NULL
    RELEASE (delete%)

  REM if we are here then there must already be a list in place
  CASE delete% OF
    WHEN NULL       : REM can't delete nothing
    WHEN head_item% : REM delete the head item

    WHEN tail_item% : REM delete the tail item

    OTHERWISE       : REM delete an item with an item on either side of it
                      PROCdel_mid_sing(head_item%, delete%)

DEF PROCDeleteStringDouble(RETURN head_item%, RETURN tail_item%, delete%)

  REM catch the case when we are passed the NULL list
  IF head_item% = NULL OR tail_item% = NULL THEN
  REM catch the case when there is only one item left
  IF head_item% = tail_item%
    head_item% = NULL
    tail_item% = NULL
    RELEASE (delete%)

  REM if we are here then there must already be a list in place
  CASE delete% OF
    WHEN NULL       : REM can't delete nothing
    WHEN head_item% : REM delete the head item

    WHEN tail_item% : REM delete the tail item

    OTHERWISE       : REM delete an item with an item on either side of it


I hope that I have given an insight into how useful the linked list can be. With a pen and paper and a little thought, linked lists are not at all difficult to program. Many algorithms require the swapping of items and the re-ordering of data. With a linked list this can be done simply by changing a few pointers. One of the very interesting points only briefly discussed here is concept of the compound (or composite) data type.